

Jesus' Favorite Podcast EP 8: Planning for the Future with Deborah Meyer

February 19, 2024
February 19, 2024
Listen to this episode about money and God from the perspective of a Christian business leader.

If Jesus were alive today, would he be good with money? In our eighth episode of Jesus' Favorite Podcast, we pose this question to Deborah Meyer, an award-winning author of Redefining Family Wealth: A Parent’s Guide to Purposeful Living.

Deborah is the CEO of WorthyNest, a fee-only, fiduciary wealth management firm that helps Christian parents and entrepreneurs across the U.S. integrate faith and family into financial decision-making. She also provides accounting, exit planning, and tax strategies to family-owned businesses.

Our host, Javi Zubizarreta, sat down with Deborah to learn about her story and her understanding and experience with Jesus. Listen to the full episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Grotto, Ebony Moxey, Javi Zubizarreta
February 19, 2024
February 19, 2024
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