
New to Prayer? Here are 3 Creative Ways to Approach It

December 14, 2023
May 1, 2023
Learn how to pray here if you're new to the practice.

Do you feel like your spiritual life could use a little more… Let’s face it, in the midst of our busy lives, it’s easy to forget to incorporate slow, mindful, spiritual practices in our day. For those looking to build their faith lives, prayer can be a powerful tool. But beyond reciting Our Fathers and Hail Marys, what can it look like?

Here are a few creative ways to approach prayer, especially if you’re struggling to connect it to something deeper or make time for it.

Sit down with a coloring book

If you're artistic, or just like getting back to your inner-child, this is for you. Wander the book aisles of your supermarket or head to a nearby bookstore, and you’re sure to find countless options for adult, inspirational coloring books. Or, invest in a coloring bible (yes, you’re allowed to scribble all over these bibles), and sit with some Scripture verses while you’re coloring away. 

Not only is coloring a generally enjoyable and peaceful activity, but it also forces you to slow down and makes space for quiet reflection. Mull over worries, joys, fears, and hopes — and simply offer them as they are to God.

Listen to a podcast

These were a lifesaver for me on my walks during Covid lockdown. If you're short on time, try listening to podcasts in your car while you’re driving to work or school. Also, listening to these podcasts while doing dreaded chores makes them somewhat bearable. Try to find one that makes you stop and think, that goes deeper than the surface. When it comes to faith and spirituality, there’s a lot of ground to cover.

Interested in testing out the waters of scripture? Check out The Bible in a Year. Want to learn more about applying faith to your daily life? Listen to the Poco a Poco Podcast. Enjoy Grotto mini-documentaries? Tune into Good and Decent to learn more about them. It can be intimidating to navigate those topics on our own. When we tune into other voices, and explore and question them, we give ourselves an opportunity to grow.

Download an app

I started turning to apps to build my spiritual life during Covid, and I am so glad I did. They helped me get through the uncertain times, and I’ve kept them in my routine since! One app I’d recommend is The Chosen app. While a series about Jesus’ life on earth may not be your first choice to watch on a Friday night, The Chosen is unlike anything you’ve seen. Not only is the acting top-notch, but it presents Jesus and his relationship with and among his followers in an authentic and refreshing light. The best part? All episodes are available to watch for free on the app.

Another app to check out is the Hallow app. If you enjoy apps like Headspace or Calm, this will be right up your alley. Hallow offers step-by-step directions for practicing different prayer styles. It is intended to serve as a resource both for those just getting started in contemplative prayer and those with more experience in meditation.

Marlene Bayersdorfer
December 14, 2023
May 1, 2023
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