
5 Fresh Summer Date Ideas for You and Your S.O.

December 14, 2023
June 5, 2023
Take your S.O. out on these summer dates we have plotted out for you.

Summer is the season for love — Summer Nights, anyone? There is something about taking your relationship outside during the summer months that feels, well, magical. Sunrises and sunsets, warm weather and a chance to connect over picnics and bike rides makes this season feel like the perfect time to date your significant other.

For my husband and myself, living in a bleak winter climate for many months of the year makes it difficult to venture out for our date nights. So when summer hits our city, we take full advantage of the outdoors with simple, but impactful activities. There really is something about a quiet summer evening that helps spark some of the greatest conversations. 

Whether you are in a new relationship or a seasoned one, finding time to make adventures with your partner is important in helping your relationship grow. Follow along as we suggest five easy date activities this summer to build connection with the one you love. 

Date option #1: Outdoor picnic and city tour

Outdoor picnics often bring to mind thoughts of a checkered tablecloth and burgers on the grill. But elevating the menu can make a date night picnic feel extra special. Consider packing charcuterie board supplies paired with your favorite wine. Brie cheese, crackers, grapes, and rosè are the perfect snackable treats, especially on a warm summer day (or night). Follow up this picnic date by exploring your own city! Many cities offer segway tours or historical tours on foot, which is great because learning with your partner can be a new form of connection. 

Conversation Starter: Ask your significant other to find something or someone that is inspirational on your city tour. Find a book or documentary to learn about your interest and at your next picnic date share with your partner. Or choose to read a book together, creating your own book club of sorts!

Date option #2: Ice cream crawl

We’ve all heard of the notorious bar crawl, but sometimes sneaking away for a date night is harder to coordinate than a date during the day. That is where the ice cream crawl comes into play — it's a great afternoon treat and a bit different than just going out to eat. Plan accordingly and find at least three ice cream locations that are within driving distance. Next, as a fun rating scale, print out a DIY form that helps you and your partner rank the various ice cream locations. At your first ice cream stop you may want to share and enjoy the experience together — or maybe you each want your own scoop. Either way, connecting over sweets feels carefree and that’s the best kind of time to spend with your person. 

Conversation Starter: Find the ice cream that has the best ranking and try to recreate the recipe at home. Choose a flavor that you can make together on your next date night — creativity breeds connection. 

Date option #3: Tennis or golf lessons

Summer is the ideal time to learn a new sport together, especially one that is played outdoors. A few summers ago, my husband and I decided to try tennis lessons every Thursday evening. Although it was not easy coordinating childcare once a week, I enjoyed learning a new skill and bonding together over a sport we both liked. Maybe your partner enjoys golf and wants to teach this skill to you, or maybe you both want to learn a summer sport together — either way scheduling an activity once a week can help build a routine of connection. These activities also don’t have to break the bank, many towns offer a variety of adult classes for a small fee. 

Conversation Starter: Ask your partner if he or she would like to continue pursuing an activity together. If not golf or tennis, can you find something that can be routinely scheduled, such as a run every Tuesday morning or a kayak adventure every Friday afternoon. Making your relationship a priority through action can help continuously grow your time together. 

Date option #4: Farmer’s market haul competition

Open to a friendly competition? This date idea will certainly up the ante. Centered around a farmer’s market, which is a summer staple in many city locations, you and your date will compete to create the most delicious meal. Similar to supermarket sweeps, both of you will grab whatever fruits or vegetables you can within a limited time frame. Once home, the competition will continue with a battle over who can create the best meal using the supplies purchased. Winner chooses dessert? 

Conversation Starter: If cooking together is your jam, ask your significant other if he or she would want to join a class. Cooking can be therapeutic for couples who are creating something to enjoy together. 

Date option #5: S'mores and outdoor movie night

Life can sometimes get in the way of scheduling date nights. And finding a sitter can complicate the process too. But bringing the date night to your own backyard with a smores and movie night combines the best of both worlds. Start by collecting the supplies: marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate should be purchased for the smore making. Your best bet for bringing a film outside is a projector — find more inexpensive ones on Amazon or at Walmart. You can DIY the screen itself with a white sheet or curtain. Once the kids are asleep, and the sky has darkened, let date night begin! The inly problem may be agreeing on a movie. 

Conversation Starter: Movies can be a great way to relax together. Ask your partner to list the top five movies he or she would like to watch this year and try to plan your dates around these movies. You can even set up themes — for instance, if you are watching an Italian movie, centering dinner and desert around Italy can make for a fully immersive experience!

The summer months provide couples with the opportunity to spend time together in refreshing ways. Whether it’s learning a new skill or just spending time outdoors connecting with each other, the summer season can help blossom your relationship. 

Lauren Lawson
December 14, 2023
June 5, 2023
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