
Forming Socially-Conscious Kids to Be Tomorrow's Leaders

March 27, 2024
February 15, 2019
Watch how this organization is encouraging kids in making a difference.

This week Grotto catches up with Kelli Plevyak, founder of Count on Kids. She's on a mission to create tomorrow's socially-conscious leaders by getting them involved in facilitating community improvement projects.

"It's really about empowering them to go out and make a difference," she shares.

Video Transcript

Kelli Plevyak: My name is Kelli Plevyak. Count on Kids is a nonprofit, and our mission is to create tomorrow's socially conscious leader by getting them involved in facilitating community improvement projects.

We have a Superheroes Clean Up the Town event. That's where kids come to a local playground that we choose, they dress up in a superhero costume, and we have them clean up the playground equipment. It's really about empowering them to go out and make a difference.

We also have a program called Seniors and Smalls Workshops, where we get a child paired up with a senior, and they do a project that benefits another community organization. The child's going to be mentored by the senior. The senior's going to be able to impart their knowledge and guidance on the child.

We need to help shift the mindset and the attitude around children being able to make a difference because they're very capable of great things.

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March 27, 2024
February 15, 2019
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