
Grotto Talks with Mark Wahlberg about His Faith

January 29, 2024
February 20, 2018
Watch Grotto interview Mark Wahlberg about his faith.

Grotto Network caught up with actor Mark Wahlberg before he spoke to thousands of young adults in Chicago about his Catholic faith. "God is so good and forgiving. You have to have faith," he shared.

Video Transcript

Mark Wahlberg: It's a process. That's why I start my day by getting on my hands and my knees and starting a time of prayer and reading. I feel like I can go out there and conquer the world.

Sarah Yaklic, Grotto Network Director: I had this amazing opportunity to interview Mark Wahlberg before he joined the Archdiocese of Chicago for an event before thousands of young Catholic adults. Mark was invited by Cardinal Blase Cupich who joined him on stage to ask Mark what his faith means to him.

Mark Wahlberg: I left school at an early age. I quit school at 13, ended up getting into a lot of trouble. I mean, incarcerated, tried as an adult at 16, 17. When I heard the jail doors close behind me, I started praying right away.

Sarah Yaklic: At the event, I asked Mark what he would tell people who feel like they've made so many mistakes that they can't possibly turn their life around.

Mark Wahlberg: We all make mistakes. God knows I've made many mistakes, but you have to keep moving forward. God is so good, so forgiving. You have to have faith in yourself and that you can turn the situation around. We're always going to deal with heartache, and struggle, and loss, and failure, and disappointment, and those things, but having faith and knowing the big picture, I mean, even a hundred years is a very short time, so the idea and the promise of eternity in heaven is a very beautiful thing to me.

January 29, 2024
February 20, 2018
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