
Sit, Stand, Kneel: A Guide to Catholic Mass

November 28, 2023
November 25, 2017
A video guide to catholic mass movements. This is 'prayer hands' catholic gesture which works biceps and forearms.

Why do Catholics make the sign of the cross or share a sign of peace at mass? Sit, stand, and kneel throughout the liturgy? Fr. Kevin has all the answers to Catholic Acrobatics on Sunday.

Video Transcript

Father Kevin Grove: Mondays, chest and triceps. Wednesday, leg days. Friday, back and biceps. Sunday? Sit, stand, kneel? I know. Mass can be a workout.Like Crossfit or Pilates, Mass is exercise for your spiritual health.When we stand, we greet Christ in the Gospel.Gospel Stands (Quads — Hamstrings)Father Kevin Grove: When we kneel, we recognize that God is God, and we are not.Knee Busters (Glutes — Shins)Father Kevin Grove: We fold our hands as a sign of bringing union to things that are different.Prayer Hands (Biceps — Forearms)Father Kevin Grove: We share signs of peace to recognize that this road of life separates and hurts us.Sign of Peace (Triceps - Palms); Eye contact!Father Kevin Grove: Moving up and down and shaking hands and ultimately receiving the Eucharist, we become one again in Christ. This is how Mass transforms you.If you haven't been in a while, you may be a bit sore the next day, but use it as inspiration to return and get in the best spiritual shape of your life.

November 28, 2023
November 25, 2017
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