
"Thank You for the Music"

December 22, 2023
November 12, 2018
Read this poem that details why the speaker of this poem is thankful for music.|Read this poem that details why the speaker of this poem is thankful for music.

"Thank You for the Music"

Open letter to my musical neighbor:Thank you for the piano recitalsthrough my open window on a Thursday night:the arpeggios and staccatos and then the steady scales filtering so softly as I fold my laundryon the bed I will crawl into shortly.Thank you for the violin concerts in the afternoonas I wash vegetables at the sink —the aching in my neck and the weight melted into my feet being lifted by the notes plucked bit by bit.Thank you especially for the opera on a rainy Sunday that floats through the chilly August air:the song now contained in my body with itsfull-blooded warmth and passion.Thank you.

Mary Grace Mangano
December 22, 2023
November 12, 2018
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