
What Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

March 6, 2024
July 3, 2018
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit? Test your knowledge with this Catholic trivia!

Throwback to Confirmation! We asked these young adults if they can guess the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to Catholic teaching. Can you?

Video Transcript

Tommy: 3, 2, 1. (Flips trivia card)

Kevin: (Reading) The gifts of the Holy Spirit are spiritual gifts from God, intended to guide and help us live moral and virtuous lives.

Randy and Robert (in unison): (Reading) Can you name all seven?

Natural: No.

Francois: Wait, wait, wait.

Natural: No. Are you serious?

Sarah: I don’t remember...

Channing: Is this like what they gave Baby Jesus?


Robert: Water. Lands. Air.


Natural: Life?


Rachel: Can I get a time check?

Grotto: 10 seconds left.

Channing: Oh, my gosh!

Randy: Bacon.

Robert: Bacon.

Channing: Wine, myrrh, cheese.


Gina: This is so embarrassing.


Katie: Name them.

Tommy: Wisdom. Counsel. Knowledge. Piety. Understanding. Fortitude. Fear of the Lord.


Katie: Wow. Wow.

Tommy: I thought that one went down the brain drain, but I guess not.

March 6, 2024
July 3, 2018
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