
Everything You Need to Know About National Migration Week 2018

November 30, 2023
January 9, 2018
National Migration Week 2018: Shared Stories, One Journey.

This week (January 7–14, 2018), the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates National Migration Week. Throughout this week especially, the Church invites us to reflect on the circumstances confronting migrants, including immigrants, refugees, children, and victims and survivors of human trafficking.

The theme for National Migration Week 2018 is “Many Journeys, One Family,” reminding us that all families have a migration story — some more recent and others in the distant past.

Pope Francis’s ‘Share the Journey’ campaign, reminds us that regardless of where we are and where we came from, we remain part of the human family and are called to live in solidarity with one another. During this National Migration Week, let us all take the opportunity to engage migrants as community members, neighbors, and friends.

Learn more about National Migration Week 2018 through the resources below, and show your support using #ShareJourney and #NMW2018!

“Share the Journey: We Are All Migrants” by Catholic Relief Services

Pope Francis calls us to reach out to migrants and share their journey. As a child, Salvador Carranza traveled from Mexico to the United States. He worked in the fields alongside his parents who were fleeing violence and searching for a better life for their family. Today, Salvador is working and raising his family in the U.S., helping other migrants.

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November 30, 2023
January 9, 2018
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