December 27 is the feast day of St. John, who was known as the "beloved disciple."
Along with his brother, St. James the Greater, John was one of the three apostles who witnessed Jesus' Transfiguration, the raising to life of Jairus’ daughter, and the agony in Garden of Gethsemani. Additionally, John was instructed by Jesus to prepare the Passover meal, during which John sat next to Him.
John was the only one of the 12 disciples who stayed with Jesus all the way to the foot of the cross. Rather, he remained faithful and was appointed the guardian of Mary when Jesus was dying.
Following Mary's assumption, John went to Ephesus and was later banished to Patmos, a Greek island. He died there in 98 A.D. — the only one of the 12 apostles who was not martyred.
John is credited with writing the fourth Gospel, three letters, and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Also known as the Apostle of Charity, St. John is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors.
Get to know the "Beloved Disciple" through our Spotify playlist inspired by his life and legacy.
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