
"Blood Moon"

December 22, 2023
January 20, 2019
Read this Grotto poetry about the moon and a sibling relationship.|Read this Grotto poetry about the moon and a sibling relationship.|"Blood Moon"|Read this Grotto poetry about the moon and a sibling relationship.

"Blood Moon"

We almost arrived too early.At first squint I couldn’t figure what it was,the figureless red balloonhovering somewhere over that horizonic hill,before a stratus swallowed it whole.And then it resurfaced,edges now sharp and focused,like when the optometrist switches out the lensin that big machine pressed to your faceand the blurs projected on the wallare reincarnated as neat newspaper letters.Just in time for the latecomers’ moonrise,we’re the ones who wander in by some accidentafter the show has started;left standing, but these are the best seats anyway.I look over at my little brother,whose Puckish grin is almost too wide for his face.We are timeless for almost ten minutes,giddy and unbothered,before I slip my feet back into the well-worn shoes of a cynic, since the moon will be less full tomorrowand my brother will not always be ten.

Clare Rahner
December 22, 2023
January 20, 2019
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