If there is a person out there who can cross party lines and bring people together, it’s Sr. Norma Pimentel, the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley.
Sister Norma has been working with immigrants since the 1980s, but her mission took off in 2014. Since then, and with the help of Catholic Charities staff and volunteers, she has supported over 100,000 immigrants who have sought refuge in the US.
As quoted in a recent Washington Post article, “[s]ome of Sister Norma’s greatest admirers are the law-enforcement officials who witness the loaves-and-fishes miracles she works with the donations she gets and how she inspires so many others to pitch in.”
Sister Norma and her team are raising funds to build a new humanitarian respite center, and Catholic Charities has launched a GoFundMe page to help. Can you join Grotto and pitch in financially? No matter how big or small your gift, it will make a difference in the lives of the people who Sr. Norma works with on a daily basis.