

The Real Impact a Blood Drive Can Make | Little Ways: Donate

January 29, 2024
June 14, 2019
Watch how you can make a local impact by donating just 45 minutes of your time to donate blood.

"By donating blood, by taking 45 minutes out of your time, you may save someone's life." This week Grotto Network catches up with blood drive organizer Jennifer Phillips. She explains the life-saving impact of giving blood.

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Video Transcript

Jennifer Phillips: Jenny Phillips. I work with the South Bend Medical Foundation setting up blood drives in our current facility. They're a blood bank for our local community. So, the people that donate, the blood stays within our local community and goes to local hospitals. They are always in need of blood for transfusions or an emergency situation.

If you're looking to get involved and your schedule is so busy you don't have the ability to make a big time commitment, literally by donating blood, by taking 45 minutes out of your time, you may potentially save somebody's life.

January 29, 2024
June 14, 2019
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