

Duct Tape Surfing

November 28, 2023
November 19, 2017
This paraplegic surfer didn't let losing the use of her legs keep her from her dreams.|This woman and her community will challenge your assumptions about living disabilities.|Duct Tape Surfing

Imagine helping a paralyzed friend enjoy surfing by duct taping her to your back. This awe-inspiring video from Australian filmmaker Mark Tipple tells the story of a kindhearted surfer and a determined woman who overcome adversity through ingenuity and courage. Surfer Tyler Swan used to take his heroic friend Pascale Honore surfing, and together they rode waves of pure joy. We share this story in honor of Honore, who inspired thousands around the world and whose life was a testament that anything is possible.

Grotto Shares
November 28, 2023
November 19, 2017
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