
Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Plant Lady

November 28, 2023
September 13, 2018
This organization teaches kids how to prevent drowning. Learn more about how they got started and why their mission matters.

"Plants are my life." Becky Schumacher has a passion for plants. She's grateful to have found a community through caring for the Quad City Food Forest.

Video Transcript

Becky Schumacher: I don't own my own business or anything, but I have a business card with my contact info on it, and it says, "Your friendly neighborhood plant lady." And that’s because plants are my life. I like knowing about them. I like working with them. You know, I'm a groundskeeper and on my day off, I'm here. People are like, "Isn't that kind of like asking a mailman to go for a walk?"Becky: I like pulling weeds and people think I'm super strange because of that. I don't know. It's this weird cathartic thing, making a garden look nice and kind of bending nature to your will. Although, that's very minimal here as far as bending nature to your will. It's a lot of just like less helicopter mom, more like, "No, it's okay. Just go..." But yeah. I really like what I do here, and I'm really glad I found this place and these people.

November 28, 2023
September 13, 2018
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