November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints (and also a holy day of obligation!). This feast day celebrates the powerful spiritual bond between us and those in heaven, especially those who are recognized as saints.
Catholic saints have done some pretty radical things — from dying for their faith to founding schools and hospitals to performing miracles and experiencing visions of Jesus. Even as we look to them as examples and inspiration, it's important to remember that none of them was born a saint. In fact, many of the saints didn't come to know and love Jesus until later in their lives. But they all said 'yes' to God's will at crucial times — whether in small ways, like St. Thérèse the Little Flower, or big ways, like St. Stephen, the first martyr. This playlist celebrates their heroic virtue, courage, and their ultimate reward: being united with God in heaven.
On this day and every day, may we remember that the saints are ready and willing to intercede for us and would love nothing more than to see us partying in heaven with them some day.
“There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.” —St. Augustine
Celebrate All Saints Day by listening to the playlist below, featuring artists Luke Spehar and Colony House, and themes of being revolutionary and coming home to heaven. And discover your patron saint based on your Myers-Briggs personality type.
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