

Good and Decent S2|E7: Reaching Out

December 5, 2023
May 16, 2022
Listen to our newest podcast episode about why mental health matters.|Listen to our newest podcast episode about why mental health matters.

In this episode, Myron Tagovailoa-Amosa, the former captain of Notre Dame’s football team and an NFL hopeful, shares his journey through grief to find hope in his faith and caring for his mental health.

Grotto producers Josh Long and Kevin DeCloedt talk about what it was like filming Myron’s story, and introduce a conversation Myron had with ND strength coach Matt Balis. Then we hang out with Myron and his roommate (and fellow ND teammate) Michael Vinson as they discuss grief, the pressures of college, caring for mental health, and finding faith as a glue to hold it all together. 

Watch Myron’s story here.

December 5, 2023
May 16, 2022
On a related note...
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