

Nineteen Paper Cranes

November 28, 2023
November 19, 2017
This woman and her community will challenge your assumptions about living disabilities.

This incredibly moving video tells the story of a loving community of people with disabilities in Japan and their response to a national tragedy. The video was created by filmmaker Michael Joseph McDonald and L’Arche Internationale, a global organization that works closely with people with intellectual disabilities to help make known their gifts, working together toward a more empathetic society. Learn more about how L’Arche changes lives at

Grotto Shares
November 28, 2023
November 19, 2017
On a related note...
"Desperately seeking some guidance"

"Desperately seeking some guidance"

Stephanie Konrady

How I Finally Stopped Parish-Hopping

How I Finally Stopped Parish-Hopping

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What Made This the Greatest Wedding of My Life

What Made This the Greatest Wedding of My Life

Isaac Huss

Learning to Live on Dialysis and Inspiring Those Around Him

Learning to Live on Dialysis and Inspiring Those Around Him


Good and Decent: A Podcast by Grotto

Good and Decent: A Podcast by Grotto


5 Ways You Can Practice Nonviolence

5 Ways You Can Practice Nonviolence

Eric Clayton

The Ups and Downs of Being a First-Time Foster Mom

The Ups and Downs of Being a First-Time Foster Mom

Manda Carpenter

Fish Fries: A Famous Lenten Tradition with Real Impact

Fish Fries: A Famous Lenten Tradition with Real Impact


Watch These Videos to Expand Your Knowledge of Black History

Watch These Videos to Expand Your Knowledge of Black History

Robert Christian

How I Talk About Faith on Social Media

How I Talk About Faith on Social Media

Molly Cruitt

How to Start Praying Daily

How to Start Praying Daily

Carolyn Pirtle

Welcome to the Neighborhood: Lincoln Park

Welcome to the Neighborhood: Lincoln Park

Jennon Bell Hoffmann

What I Learned from a Year in Service after College

What I Learned from a Year in Service after College

Caelin Miltko

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An Open Letter to Anyone Sick with COVID-19

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5 Steps to Becoming More Body-Inclusive

5 Steps to Becoming More Body-Inclusive

Jessica Ping-Wild

This Chef Turns Food Waste into Highly Nutritious Meals

This Chef Turns Food Waste into Highly Nutritious Meals


Sharing the Joy of Caring for House Plants

Sharing the Joy of Caring for House Plants


St. Katharine Drexel Spotify Playlist | #GrottoMusic

St. Katharine Drexel Spotify Playlist | #GrottoMusic


How to Start Your Own Organic Yard

How to Start Your Own Organic Yard

Emily Bouch

The Magic of Mythical Storytelling

The Magic of Mythical Storytelling

Jacqueline Rose


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