On September 15, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This feast day reminds us of the heart of Mary and the sorrow she experienced seeing her son fulfill His mission of dying on the cross for our sins. While we may not have gone through what Mary did, we’re all familiar with the feeling of sorrow. We know it’s piercing power, the way it lingers and fades, pulses and drifts in and out of our lives.
There is a particular devotion, revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden, that dives into seven different moments in Jesus’s life that pierced Mary’s heart. These are known as the seven sorrows of Mary. This playlist hopes to capture the essence of Mary's unwavering strength, her compassion, and the sorrows she bore with grace. There are two songs that relate to each sorrow — follow the guide below as you listen!
- 1st Sorrow: The Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:34-35) | Songs: Crown of Thorns, Simeon’s Song
- 2nd Sorrow: The Flight Into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-21) | Songs: Run Boy Run, Running
- 3rd Sorrow: The Loss of Jesus for Three Days (Luke 2:41-50) | Songs: Found/Tonight, Call on Your Name
- 4th Sorrow: The Carrying of the Cross (John 19:17) | Songs: Beautiful Scandalous Night, I Will Carry You
- 5th Sorrow: The Crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:18-30) | Songs: We Bring You All Our Sorrows, Look Up Child
- 6th Sorrow: Jesus Taken Down from the Cross (John 19:39-40) | Songs: Bring Him Home, Weep With Me
- 7th Sorrow: Jesus Laid in the Tomb (John 19:39-42) | Songs: It is Well With My Soul, Ring the Bells
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.