

Jesus’ Favorite Podcast EP 3: Getting a Haircut with Kenny Williams

January 29, 2024
January 1, 2024
Listen to this episode about a men's ministry made possible through a barbershop. Kenny Williams shares his transformational story.

What kind of haircut would Jesus get? In our third episode of Jesus' Favorite Podcast, we talk with Kenny Williams, who runs a men’s ministry that focuses on fellowship and fades for faith in an old-school barbershop.

After seventeen years as an alcoholic, Kenny turned his life around with the help of his local pastor, Chris Pierce. Chris assembled a community of men to help Kenny stop drinking by staying with him for a week. Through the support of this community and dedication to reading Scripture, Kenny began his sobriety journey. His experience led him to start his Barbershop Ministry, where he helps other addicts as his community helped him.

Our host, Javi Zubizarreta, sat down with Kenny to learn about his story, ministry, and understanding and experience with Jesus. Listen to the full episode wherever you listen to podcasts or our YouTube Channel.


Grotto, Ebony Moxey, Javi Zubizarreta
January 29, 2024
January 1, 2024
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